“Mastering Others is Strength. Mastering Yourself is True Power” -Lao Tzu Have you ever gotten really upset or lost focus on what was important at the time because you were so focused on what others were doing? We are often so busy worrying about what others are going to do to affect an outcome and this causes a person to lose the attention that they need to perform at their given task. Lao Tzu sums it up very well in his quote. Mastering yourself is the key to true power. Every heard the quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world” by Ghandi? This is it. Be what you want to be, do what you want to see others do, and live your life with the Optimal Mindset!
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Hi Everybody! This is my first blog post! My name is Maximilian Pollack and I am the owner of Optimal Mindset Consulting. I work with performers of many types such as athletes, musicians, fitness gurus, youth performers, teams, organizations, and anybody else who wants to improve their overall mental game and achieve their peak performance. My work is focused primarily on the mindset of each individual. I help my clients build mental skills through Mental Skills Training.
I love writing about motivation, positive psychology, Mental Conditioning, important events, and life in general. I would love for you to come by every now and then and check out my new posts! Feel free to leave comments and stay engaged in the conversations. I look forward to all that is to come. Thank you for stopping by and I hope that you do it again soon! Maximilian Pollack, M.S. |